Maximizing Anki Statistics for Effective Learning (2024)

In the realm of efficient and personalized learning, Anki stands out as a powerful tool, offering robust features for users to track and enhance their learning progress. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricate details of Anki's statistics, providing insights and tips to optimize your learning experience.

Understanding Card Information

When navigating Anki, accessing card information is pivotal for effective learning. The "Cards>Info" menu, right-clicking on a card and selecting "Info," or pressing 'I' on the review screen opens a wealth of self-explanatory details. Note the 'Position,' indicating the card's order among new cards, and 'Interval,' representing the delay between reviews in various time units.

Navigating Statistics

To harness the full potential of Anki, a grasp of its statistics is essential. By default, the statistics window displays data from the selected deck and subdecks. However, flexibility exists to explore statistics for the entire collection or apply filters for specific searches.

Deck Selection

Utilize the deck selector to choose the deck for which you want statistics. For a broader view, select the checkbox to display statistics for your entire collection. Older versions default to the last month, but Anki 2.1.28+ allows customization for the last 12 months, all history, or deck life scope.

Unveiling Anki's Graphs

Anki's graphical representation of data adds another layer of insight into your learning journey. Let's break down the key graphs that contribute to a holistic understanding.

Future Due

The 'Future Due' graph estimates the number of reviews on upcoming days, considering no new cards or failed reviews. Bars represent the cards due if studied daily, while the line illustrates the count if no study occurs until the specified day.


The 'Calendar' graph visualizes past card review activity, offering a day-by-day breakdown. Hover over items to see revisions made on specific days and click on a day of the week to set it as the starting day.


Track your review progress with the 'Reviews' graph, showcasing the number of card reviews over selected time periods. Different-colored blocks distinguish between mature, young, relearning, or learning cards.

Card Counts

The 'Card Counts' pie chart gives a percentage breakdown of mature, unseen, young/learn, and suspended cards in your deck or collection.

Review Time

Similar to 'Review Count,' the 'Review Time' graph focuses on the time spent on each card rather than the number of cards answered.

Review Intervals

Explore the 'Review Intervals' graph to understand the distribution of intervals between reviews. It provides valuable insights into your study patterns.

Card Ease

The 'Card Ease' graph visualizes the ease factor of cards, showcasing the distribution of specific ease factors.

Hourly Breakdown

The 'Hourly Breakdown' graph unveils the percentage of successful reviews during different hours, shedding light on your most productive study periods.

Answer Buttons

Anki's 'Answer Buttons' graph details the frequency of choosing specific buttons (Again, Hard, Good, Easy) for learning/new, young, and mature cards, providing valuable feedback on your review decisions.

Manual Analysis for Advanced Insights

For users seeking more detailed analysis beyond Anki's provided statistics, exploring the 'revlog' table in Anki's SQLite database is an option. Understanding the columns such as 'id,' 'cid,' 'usn,' 'ease,' 'ivl,' 'lastIvl,' 'factor,' 'time,' and 'type' allows for advanced data interpretation.

In conclusion, mastering Anki's statistics is a key component of maximizing your learning potential. Whether you're a seasoned Anki user or a newcomer, incorporating these insights into your study routine can pave the way for a more efficient and tailored learning experience.

Maximizing Anki Statistics for Effective Learning (2024)
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